Thanks to an additional one year of investment from sportscotland, basketballscotland are delighted to launch an exciting new basketball initiative aimed at getting the Nation more active through basketball.

The new programme, called PickUp Basketball, will be rolled out across the country in some of Scotland’s most deprived areas, where we feel we can have the biggest impact.

The new PickUp Basketball Hubs will play host to fun and affordable pay-as you play sessions for people looking to get active through basketball, or for those who are looking for a non-competitive way to get back in to the game.

Did you like basketball but can no longer commit to play at club level because of work or family? Maybe you enjoy playing games but can’t commit to training? If so, PickUp Basketball is for you.

If you are interested in joining a PickUp Basketball Hub or would like support in setting up your own, please email Kieron Achara at