It is with great sadness that basketballscotland notes the news that Kath Duffy, a member of Polonia Phoenix, passed away at the age of 56. Kath showed outstanding commitment to the game in Scotland, most notably as a table and floor official.

In a statement online, Polonia Phoenix said: “Sad to hear the news of the passing of Kath Duffy , a hugely respected Coach , Player , Referee and more importantly, Person.
As the club’s first Chairperson Kath was an important figure in the re-birth of Polonia , without her help in the early days it is doubtful if the club would have existed. So many great memories of Kath , always willing to help , always with a big smile. R.I.P Kath”

Kath will be sorely missed by her family and friends from within the Scottish Basketball Community. basketballscotland would like to extend our condolences to Kath’s family and close friends at this extremely difficult time.