Case Study: Josh Manson

Josh Manson is 19 years old and is a CashBack School of Basketball Coach delivering sessions to both of our Additional Support Need schools.

Josh was born with cerebral palsy and as a result found taking part in mainstream activities very difficult. Interacting with his peers at school was a challenge but it was his experience in Physical Education at school that left Josh with low confidence levels and self-esteem. He was restricted from taking part in activities with his classmates due to his disability and was often stuck in the corner and “used as the coat rack” during P.E. classes.

In 2011, after being referred to Scottish Disability Sport, Josh attended a Parasport Festival. It was here that he was first introduced to wheelchair basketball and through the sport that his confidence levels began to grow. Being able to compete and perform in wheelchair basketball gave him the courage to challenge perceptions and take part in P.E. classes alongside his peers.

After a few years of playing the sport and working his way up the National Team system, Josh was introduced to coaching by basketballscotland’s Disability Talent & Pathways Manager, Tina Gordon. Upon completion of his Level 1 Wheelchair Basketball Coaching Qualification, Josh left high school at the end of his 4th year and began studying Sports Coaching and Development at Edinburgh College.

Josh’s experience of coaching, both with Scottish club Lothian Phoenix and from his HNC and HND, put him in a strong position to begin looking for employment. basketballscotland decided to hire Josh as a Modern Apprentice under the job title of ASN & Wheelchair Basketball Development Officer.

In this role, Josh delivers the Woodlands ASN CashBack School of Basketball, the first of its kind in the programme. Josh has loved his time coaching the group and is learning a lot:

“It was a nice challenge getting to take on a task that not a lot of people have experience or confidence in. As each child’s needs are so unique, there is no one clear route on how you should coach each individual.”

With the success of the first ASN CashBack School of Basketball, basketballscotland decided to adopt another ASN school, Pilrig Park, into the programme. Josh will deliver these sessions alongside continuing at Woodlands.

Speaking about his role with basketballscotland, Josh said:

“I am very thankful for the opportunity that the CashBack programme has offered me and how it has allowed me to work and do something I love at the same time. The skills I have picked up and developed will help me in the future, which for me is priceless. Networking opportunities in schools give me a stronger platform to find jobs in the future. For example, being lead coach on the after schools programme at Pilrig Park School has allowed me to become more confident in myself across the board and it gives me a relieved feeling, as I now know that I have more skills and relevant experience to offer any potential future employers.”