The 2018-19 financial year had some huge positives alongside some areas which continue to challenge us.

The year tipped-off with the Commonwealth Games and Scotland Men’s incredible performances in finishing in fourth place.  Closer to home, the club game continues to grow and, working closely with the basketball community and clubs, the Regional Academy programme was launched and we believe that working locally with clubs to plan this has established a great base to continue to grow and improve the development of young players throughout the country. 

Overcoming the financial challenges which were outlined in last year’s report, combined with the expected reduction in funding post Commonwealth Games, meant finance was a real focus.  I am pleased we have been able to deliver an operational surplus above budget.  I am also confident that the changes we have made to financial systems and processes, the work completed to ensure we have a clear financial position and the expertise we have added to the organisation put us in a strong position to deliver against our financial targets going forward without impacting significantly on delivery to and for clubs. 

Our focus continues to be on supporting clubs to grow and improve the game.  We will increase the resources invested in developing coaches within the club environment for clubs who want that support.  Clubs have raised concerns about facility access and disproportionate price increases, and we will review how we can influence this at both a national and local level.  Alongside this, we’ll support clubs to identify ways we can help them to meet their own priorities and continue to listen to feedback on competitions and other services to ensure these help the recruitment, retention and development of players in clubs.  

We also plan to align more of the programmes we deliver to support and complement the work of clubs, for example utilising the Jr. NBA programme to recruit players into clubs and working with clubs to develop officials. 

I’d like to finish with a huge thank you to everyone who has given time, energy and commitment to grow our sport over the past year.  We look forward to a positive year ahead!