basketballscotland have been working closely with Mark Bennett who is a Coach Developer specialising in Performance Behaviours.  The first session was opened out to all and was delivered to 30 coaches.  The session focused on an introduction to the PDS principles and basketballscotland’s talent principles and how the link between both will develop coaches and players to be self-directed. Then a practical session on how to put the principles to practice.

Since then Mark has been working with a number of coaches who are involved with National Teams both in the running and wheelchair games.  These coaches have been developing their understanding of the performance behaviours embedded at the highest level of basketball and gaining a further understanding of how they can use these within their own coaching environment to enhance performance.  More than 20 coaches also took up the opportunity to observe these sessions and discuss how they could use some of the practices within their own coaching.

Mark will be heavily involved in this year’s mentoring programme supporting the mentors and mentees throughout the year.