Female Steering Group | Introduction

The female steering group was formed in July 2020 as part of a commitment from basketballscotland to prioritise the development of women and girls’ basketball. The group is made up of fifteen members of the running and wheelchair Scottish basketball community – including players, coaches, officials, club leaders and teachers.

The group meets online regularly to discuss a range of topics affecting the female game and to advise, challenge and shape the work basketballscotland is doing to develop it. The group are passionate about getting more females playing, coaching and officiating basketball in Scotland, and are particularly focused on increasing the number of female leaders within our community.

Amy Kirkhouse, basketballscotland’s Participation Manager, said “There is great passion within the steering group to make significant change in Scottish basketball. The individuals – and their clubs – are committed to growing the female game and challenging us at basketballscotland to do the same. We know there is a lot of work to be done to narrow the gender gap and increase the influence of females in our game, but it is exciting to have so many positive women working together to start it!”

International Women’s Day is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the many females already in Scottish basketball and to pledge to challenge gender bias and underrepresentation so that there are many more in the future. To get involved, share your pledge, using #ItsHerGame, #IWD2021 and #ChooseToChallenge.

For more information on the steering group, or to get involved, contact Amy at amy.kirkhouse@basketball-scotland.com